

Our team brings a unique blend of experience, knowledge and skills gained from 35 years of grassroot project implementation and fieldwork in the healthcare sector

The result: know-how and experience that benefits communities worldwide

Santé Monde


Our focus on primary care is a direct reflection of Santé Monde's core values. Respecting the realities and priorities of each country, our contributions are multifaceted.  
  • Better accessibility to quality front-line services, adapted to individual and community needs, with particular emphasis on sexual and reproductive health services.
  • Promotion of the use of curative and preventive health services
  • Capacity building among health personnel (clinical, management and advocacy domains)
  • Improvement of multi-level health governance and support for the decentralization of services
  • Support for the procurement of medical and non-medical equipment
  • Involvement of communities, including women's groups, in the planning, implementation and monitoring of community activities and initiatives.


Out of 18 completed projects:

  • Santé Monde
    3,300 people

  • Santé Monde
    190 health centres
    and 13 hospitals supported
    (some of which were built or renovated)

  • Santé Monde
    14 training programs
    developed and implemented

These endeavours have a positive impact on the health of women, children and adolescents, particularly through the availability and promotion of family planning services, prenatal consults, assisted childbirth, STI screening and management, malaria prevention, immunization and other essential services.

surveillance (ES)

We support improving the capacity of countries' surveillance systems to detect, prevent, and respond more effectively to endemic and potentially epidemic and pandemic diseases and other public health problems. Our projects to strengthen epidemiological surveillance systems save thousands of lives.
  • Support for the decentralization of national surveillance systems
  • Training for key personnel at all levels of the healthcare system in intervention epidemiology, particularly those at the community level
  • Support to foster collaboration with laboratories and health sectors associated with the One Health approach in order to increase the effectiveness of surveillance efforts
  • Support for the institutionalization of training in national public health schools with an eye to ensuring sustainability
  • Support for healthcare security (and at the same time, a contribution to the countries' obligations)


Out of 7 completed projects,
including 6 across multiple countries:

  • Santé Monde
    1,243 people trained in intervention epidemiology

  • Santé Monde
    Experience in 16 West African countries

  • Santé Monde
    500 health districts where surveillance capacity has been strengthened

The number of people who have benefited from our support to date is enormous, even incalculable, because of the preventive nature of these projects

HIV Response

Supporting HIV response activities is one of the cornerstones of our experience. It is within the framework of these projects that we have created and implemented innovative approaches, including the development of adapted services, improving the capacity to generate and manage data, and deconstructing gender stereotypes. Over the course of our projects, our multidisciplinary approach has led to long-term results in several intervention areas. We focus primarily on improving the capacity of public health systems to deliver appropriately adapted services in an integrated and sustainable manner as well as on prevention and prioritizing the needs of populations at higher risk of exposure to HIV. Our goal: to adapt health services to the needs of communities.
  • Supporting the governance of public health systems by considering the global context, essential drug distribution networks, and the main transmission mechanisms of STIs and HIV
  • Simplifying prevention
  • Managing STIs and HIV by healthcare providers and high-risk groups
  • Raising awareness among targeted groups by enabling them to actively participate in the promotion of lower-risk behaviours
  • Recognizing and adapting to the realities of gender inequalities in the dynamics of STI and HIV transmission and risk exposure
  • Preventing the stigmatization of people living with HIV through reflections on masculinity and vulnerability related to inequalities


Out of 10 projects,
including 5 multi-country projects:

  • Santé Monde
    15,300 people

  • Santé Monde
    Support in 10 sub-Saharan African countries and Haiti

  • Santé Monde
    400 health structures supported

  • Santé Monde
    633,740 STI cases handled

  • Santé Monde
    Over 5 million condoms sold or distributed

  • Santé Monde
    4,104,330 people reached through awareness and prevention activities

Gender equality
and human rights

Gender and human rights inequality is an obstacle to development and has tragic consequences for the health of populations, particularly among women and adolescents. This is why we integrate the notions of gender equality and human rights into all of our projects transversally, using a rights-based approach. This vision contributes greatly to the success and sustainability of our projects, because the health of a population can only advance successfully in a fair and equitable social context!
  • Improved access to sexual and reproductive health services and primary health care tailored to the needs of women and children
  • Improved, non-discriminatory patient intake
  • Increased confidentiality in health services
  • Addressing the specific needs of women and adolescents
  • Access to condoms and family planning inputs
  • Service and care protocols for sexual and gender-based violence


For all completed projects:

  • Santé Monde
    Strengthening women’s individual and collective capabilities, and their active participation in decision-making spaces

  • Santé Monde
    Promotion of health services that meet the specific needs of women, while respecting their rights

  • Santé Monde
    Raising awareness among men and the entire community on the importance of women’s rights